"We talked about how we’re both people who navigate life with a great deal of thinking and heaviness. Truth is: some lightness is necessary. What this means is knowing you can’t control everything, nor should you want to."

Well said. We crave certainty and control in our lives but the one certainty is that we cannot attain it. As you suggested, awareness and moving with grace is key.

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I really admire your thought process and your writing.

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Wow, what a great post, love it.

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“Can it be that he has such a love of destruction and chaos… because he is instinctively afraid of achieving the goal and completing the edifice he is creating?”

This makes me think of when I read that a lot of French Revolutionaries wrote about feeling empty and lost after the revolution finally happened. Their purpose was the fight itself, the act of creating, and in the end the outcome meant spiritually very little. And it feels kind of the same with formative experiences - the act of noticing, striving, changing from one thing to another can feel more powerful than just being something new.

Beautiful piece :)

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Thoroughly enjoyed this! And also the article about Matisse was an easter egg that’s started my day with so much thought and artistic excitement , I’ll be sharing both throughout my day today 🤍

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Chills. Beautiful and thought-provoking as always 🥺🤍

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