Good thoughts. However, would you consider: Your understanding of truth appears to be subjective, based on personal feelings and experiences. However, it raises an important question: does this subjective truth bring certainty? This is something individuals should reflect upon when considering the nature of truth. Speaking from my (limited) knowledge of Christianity, truth is seen as objective and rooted in the nature of God. This objective truth provides a sense of certainty. While personal feelings can change over time, leading to situations like divorce, it's worth noting that at the time of commitment, individuals often felt the very emotions you aspire to experience.

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It seems like there is a hierarchy of personal feeling. On the one hand, the seeker of truth is fighting subjectivity. On the other, the biologist recognizes that adaptive computation of the world around us often takes the form of subconscious integration of sense data, secondary hormones, processing and re processing—the “gut”

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Love this essay. I think you’re right, compatibility can and often does evolve. And if there’s a distinction between compatibility and fit, it’s that fit is more readily apparent, or should be. I feel like I can recognize fit fairly quickly, then assuming it’s there I trust compatibility will likely follow. If that makes sense.

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